1921 Payoff Pitch Baseball Season Set L/R Splits PDF version


1921 PDF season set for use with the Playoff Pitch Baseball game.  Every player that appeared in a game has been rated and included in this PDF card set.  Please see the Product Description below for more information and a link to download the roster of players and ballparks included.

This is an add-on for the Payoff Pitch Baseball Game and does not include the instructions or game parts required to play the game.

** This is the PDF version of the card set.  The download links will be available immediately on the confirmation page and in a purchase confirmation email.  The download links may also be found using the left side menu on the My Account page.

Please note there are two download links for each card set.  Both contain the exact same items.  One is formatted to be printed on standard 8-1/2  x 11 Letter size paper.  The other file is formatted to be printed on 210mm x 297mm A4 size paper.

Each file may be downloaded a maximum of 5 times.  Please save the files locally before printing.

The purchase of this copyright-protected PDF product grants permission to use the PDF file for your personal use only.  Sideline Strategy Games retains all rights to the PDF file.  The sale or transfer of the PDF file and/or printed versions of the file is strictly prohibited and is a violation of federal law and the Copyright Act.


1921 PDF Season Set featuring batting splits against left and right handed pitchers.  This set includes a card for every player that appeared in a game as a pitcher or at least 1 plate appearances as as a position player or pinch hitter.  Each pitcher has two cards, one pitcher card and a second individual batting card.  The pitcher hitting card number is also listed on their pitching card if you prefer to use the pitching hitting cards instead of the pitcher’s individual batting card.  A fourteen player card set for players from the Negro Leagues is also included with the 1921 major league players.  There are nine position players and five pitchers in this limited card set.   

There are two download links for this player card set.  One formatted for printing on US Letter Size (8.5 x 11 inches) paper and another for A4 Size (210 by 297 mm) paper.  

Each file may be downloaded a maximum of 5 times.  Please save the files locally before printing.


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