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Glory Days Boxing Instruction Manual – Glory Days Boxing Game Manual

Glory Days Boxing - Score Sheet – Glory Days Boxing Game Score Sheet

Glory Days Boxing Alternate scoresheet with dice roller – Glory Days Boxing Game Alternate scoresheet with dice roller

Glory Days Boxing Judges Cards – Glory Days Boxing Game Judges Cards

Glory Days Boxing Ref cards – Glory Days Boxing Game Referee Cards

Glory Days Boxing Cornermen – Glory Days Boxing’s first release of a dozen trainers and 6 cut men, which can be used as an option to add some variance/flavor to your fights.

Glory Days Boxing Express Play Chart – Experience the excitement and accuracy of the full version with express play. This chart truncates rounds to three 1 minute segments instead of nine 20 second segments, allowing you go get through a full fight in 10-20 minutes. Great for building career records and conducting undercard bouts, or just getting three fights in the time one would normally take.

Enhanced Quick Play Chart for Glory Days Boxing – The Enhanced Quick Play Charts for Glory Days Boxing are ready to go. Instructions are included and these replace the original Quick Play chart. These charts allow you to simulate an entire fight in 2 minutes or less incorporating ratings from the Boxers cards.

Glory Days Boxing - Duran WW – Welterweight cards for Duran and Pryor and a Heavyweight card for Archie Moore.

Glory Days Boxing - Greats and Stars of Women's Boxing – Fighter set created by Boxing historian Mark Jones, capturing the all-time greats and current stars of women’s Boxing.

Glory Days Boxing - Female Fighters – Female fighters across various weight classes, with instructions for alternate scoring, created by community member Mark Jones.

Glory Days Boxing Freebie sets 2 and 3 – This file contains six new boxers for your game.  Included are three popular boxers who competed primarily in the junior weight classes rated up to one of the original 8 weight classes:
Cornelius Boza-Edwards rated as a lightweight
Kostya Tszyu rated as a welterweight
Davey Moore rated as a middleweight

The other three new boxers are heavyweights included by popular demand:
Michael Spinks rated at Heavyweight
Cesar Brion
Arturo Godoy

Glory Days Boxing Tomato Cans – A free PDF file of 30 real and fictional fighters with little skill that can be used in your game as fodder to build up the records of more skilled boxers. They are designated as TC next to the fighter name, instead of a specific weight class, which allows them to be used with all currently released fighter sets of the game.

Glory Days Boxing - PDF FAC – Glory Days Boxing Fast Action Cards (FAC)

Glory Days Boxing Boxer Template – Glory Days Boxing Game Blank Boxer Template

Glory Days Boxing - Strategy Cards – Glory Days Boxing PDF Strategy Cards

Glory Days Boxing - Heavyweight Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Heavyweight Boxers Set 1 list (these are the fighters included with the game)

Glory Days Boxing - Heavyweight Fighter set 2 List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Heavyweight Boxers Set 2 list

Glory Days Boxing - Middleweight Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Middleweight Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing - Welterweight Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Welterweight Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Lightweight Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Lightweight Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Featherweight Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Featherweight Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Bantamweight Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game 100 Bantamweight Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Supplement 1 Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game Supplement 1 Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Supplement 2 Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game Supplement 2 Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Supplement 3 Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game Supplement 3 Boxers list

Glory Days Boxing – Supplement 4 Fighter List – Glory Days Boxing Game Supplement 4 Boxers list